Well done for Franck Cammas & Matthieu Vandame, who left their mark on the whole Martinique Cata Raid, being always at the forefront of the fleet, and gaining three bullets and two second places.
Although Mathieu Souben & Frédéric Moreau did their best to play opposite, new World Champions closely controlled the fleet, leaving no chance to anyone to contest their victory.

Pretty fast leg today, even competitors had to face some tricky situations, like a 180° wind shift just after the start

Surprise actually came from Emmanuel & Vincent Boulogne, who realised a superb last racing day, finishing third overall just ahead Mathieu Marfaing & Boulogne Junior, wo had rather a bad day.

As a sum up, one can say 2020 Martinique Cata Raid has been a top edition, combining highly skilled teams, tense navigation along magnificent scenery, and warm and kind welcome from Martiniquan people at every stop.

Franck Cammas & Matthieu Vandame, Course 5 and overall winners:
“We are very happy because we wisely managed the course traps, and there were many downwind the island. This makes you uncomfortable, because under these conditions, you are never well balanced, and you have to prevent capsizing in the gusts. We probably sailed the right route because the others passed a little bit worse…
We had a small margin on overall ranking, and we had a nice fight today with Matthieu Souben & Fred Moreau. Day balance is perfect !”
F18 Raid Worlds title: “This is not a discipline I am used to, but, every time I got such an opportunity, it’s a real pleasure. Long distance racing on these small cats is amazing: they are pretty fast, average fleet skill level is rather high, and on a tactical perspective there are many things to play with. You have to really stay focused on handling to get a good speed. This regatta demands a wide range of skills, hence we receive this title with a great pleasure, and smiling as well!
I do hope to come back next year, would my program permit it”
Mathieu Souben & Frédéric Moreau, 2nd of the day and 2nd overall:
“We had a super start, and we were super happy. We rightly managed the first part of the race, until the first shift where we have been a little bit less lucky compared to Franck and Matthieu. It’s always a bit complicated to be the pathfinder in these moments, as the others are given the opportunity to adjust their trajectory. And this is precisely what happened! They took the lead and, afterwards, we never got any opportunity to come over them. It’s truly the best ones who are the winners this week. Franck and Matthieu were imperial. But we are defintely happy with our second place!
It was one more splendid week in Martinique, with amazing navigation and friendship moments, and we will come back with the greatest pleasure!”
Emmanuel & Vincent Boulogne, 3rd of the day and 3rd overall:
“We broke one daggerboard and one rudder during this leg; I would guess we hit a turtle, as it was very hard and very close to the surface. It was in open sea, we didn’t see nothing, just heard a big boom… Obviously, it was harder afterwards but, fortunately enough, we already were in front. Just after start, we reached the shore, and we were four boats to escape the fleet up to the end of the race.
We are very happy and glad to get a podium. We were not particularly aiming this result, our main goal being to handle proper sailing and get fun together with my brother Vincent. Funny too to see my son Jean making his room in the circuit, even I am disappointed for him.
It was cool, and no doubt for us to come back next year!”