At the Formula 18 Worlds in Denmark on July 13th 2017 the yearly Council Meeting was held. Many thanks to our secretary Don Findlay for sending us these minutes. Enjoy reading!
International Formula 18 Class Association – Council Meeting. Denmark Thursday 13th July 2017
Representatives from Norway, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, UK, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, USA.
Observers from Spain, UK and Argentina.
- Welcome by the President. The President welcomed all members to the Council and looked forward to a positive meeting. He warmly thanked the Danish hosts for the perfect organisation of the F18 2017 Worlds and for their support in holding the Meeting and providing all needed support.
Congratulations go to Glen Ashby and James Spithill, two solid members of the F18 community upon their successes in the Americas Cup. The Class was developing in many countries and the feelings were confident throughout the World. Production was causing two builders difficulties due to the pressure created by demand for the Olympic N17. Boat sales were satisfactory with new builders adding designs to the F18 fleet.
- Apologies for absence. Apology was received from the AFF18, proxy being given to Italy.
- Audited finances for 2015 have been formally and unanimously approved, after clarification by Ad Noordzij regarding non-presence of any conflict of interest and with further reference to WS Policy on conflicts of interest.
- To receive audited financial statement 2016. All relevant information has been duly published on the If18CA website and were shown on overhead screen.
This has been passed to the Auditors and statement will be placed on the IF18CA website together with the Auditors comments as soon as received - To receive running year financial update. The President provided current financial details, matching with 2017 budget.
- To receive report from the Exec. Comm. At the moment a new executive was taking over the task of running the Class on a day to day basis, the President made a brief statement covering the growth and opportunities for the F18 Class, and he thanked the Council for being so supportive to the current “executive”, with special thanks to Sec. Gen. Don Findlay receiving strong applause from the floor, pointing out that it was sad that just one Council member seemed to be in continual denial of Class development.
- To prepare budget for 2018. This will be the task of the new Exec. Committee. On Item 5, there were comments from Gianni F (Italy) relating to photography and marketing/communication making constructive comments about getting more coordination between investments made in promotion at the international level and efforts made on a local level which he said was currently not the case as in far as Italy was concerned. The Exec Comm. will work towards creating these synergies.
- To review IF18CA Officer positions. The Meeting endorsed the appointment for a three year period of the members elected unopposed.
President: Olivier Bovyn. Vice President: Ad Noorzij. Technical Committee Chair: Pierre-Charles Barraud. Secretary General: Don Findlay. Exec. Comm. Members Australia: Kyle Amadio, USA: Charles Tomeo.
The Meeting voted on the position for Audit Committee and William Sunnucks was elected to join Tjiddo Veenstra. (William Sunnucks 64 votes, Franck Tiffon Tirade 9 votes).For the Technical Committee, the Meeting voted Andrew Gallagher 78 votes, Ollie Egan 64 votes and Pierre Pardigon 14 votes. Andrew and Ollie are therefore elected with Pierre-Charles for the Technical Committee.
- To evaluate previous Council decisions on choice of venues. Ad Noordzij opened with the observation that evaluations of Worlds and Continental Championships could help the future presentation and selection of event venues. This led to a wide ranging discussion which went further than just the selection of Kiel, Brest and Argentina. The Meeting endorsed the pre-regatta visits that the President has undertaken and wish those to continue. Ireland suggested a questionnaire obtaining feedback from sailors present at Worlds, this was supported by the UK and the Sec. General was asked to arrange with all haste. The Sec. General agreed to distribute a further discussion DRAFT of the Championship Rules. Following the absence of the AFF18 officers in the 2014 &2015 Worlds, in the 2016 Europeans in Brest as host NCA and the very low number of French sailors attending World regattas in recent years, the few attending in Denmark were not members of the AFF18, as well as the dwindling membership level of AFF18, questions were asked as to how this situation can be remedied. Many members voiced deep concerns as to the future course for the AFF18.
World Championship venue for 2019. The meeting thanked Mr. Marco Borioni from Federazione Italiana Vela and Mr Luigi Sardella, President of Compagnia della Vela Grosseto for their attendance and presentation of the bid from Italy. The Spanish bid was supported by Mitch Booth but it was understood that the Europeans 2018 will be held in Spain. The Meeting agreed to Italy as the 2013 regatta was a great success. The Meeting was informed of requests to go to Australia, Spain and France for future World Championships. The decision for 2020 to be taken in 2018.
- To receive results of electronic voting. Results had previously been distributed to Council Members. Considerable discussion took place on the “Multiple Platform” Clearly Members were supportive, but as yet there is insufficient information to be able to write a comprehensive rule. More detail needs to be provided as to what is fitted to the boat when sailing in F18 mode that is required for foiling. There were boats in Denmark that had passed measurement satisfactorily as the hulls met all F18 rule requirements. The move to allow epoxy into manufacture was much more contentious. Many members questioned this decision and asked why the case has not been made to resist the move to allow epoxy. Many builders had requested reasoning and technical independent advice has warned of serious price increases. Despite the previous vote the meeting requested further discussions and information to balance the views that had been expressed prior to the voting.
- To ensure adequate coverage of all items IF18CA on website. This matter had been raised by Hungary NCA, and they were assured that all information is provided to the website.
- Netherlands proposal. Long term future. F18 was successful with reasonable numbers of new boats and designs entering the Class. Great care had always to taken to ensure value for stakeholders. No changes should be made to the box rule if this would cause substantial value destruction for existing boats. Jens Uwe T.(Germany) thought small changes could be agreed. Gianni F (Italy) thought that there should be emphasis on multi-platform as younger sailors wanted foiling and they were the future of the Class. William S. (UK) thought that the current rules were satisfactory and there was no need for change. Mitch B.(Spain, observer) argued for stability, mentioning the problems created by the Tornado desire to change to spinnaker, he urged that the Class did not consider foiling.
- Any Other business. Lars L (Sweden) detailed the progress made in the plans for the F18 Raid World Championships in Sweden in August. The meeting thanked Lars for his work which he has taken on the lead role in this venture. Many spoke up for long distance sailing as being at the heart of F18. The President arguing that a Raid had to be long distance, with navigation understanding of varying conditions, a true test of sailing stamina. Some asked for a DRAFT of Rules for what constitutes a Raid. William S (UK) argued against any rules and they would limit opportunities. The Sec. General said he would see the position with World Sailing and their requirements for World titles. Suggestions for further World Raids were discussed.
- Steve S (USA) detailed the dates for the 2018 F18 Worlds at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron in Florida. Date are 12th / 19th October 2018 with racing 15th to 19th Date planning would enable boats to be moved from USA to St Bart for further regatta. Steve agreed the NoR would be in draft form as it went to the IF18CA and it should be published soon to allow sailors to make their arrangements. Sec. General asked about availability of containers as interest had already come from Australia. 112 teams participated in California in 2012 and Steve thought that many more would be welcomed in Sarasota.
- The President thanked the Members and closed the meeting.