Fifth Leg: Erquy – Fort La Latte – Erquy
The justice of the peace

As usual, we got a tense fight between top contenders from the start to the end of Leg Five… And as a matter of fact, Burvill-Puttman rounded offset mark in first position, and kept the lead until the finish.
After rounding offset mark, it was a long gybing battle downwind to reach Cap Fréhel, where it was important not to be to close from the cliff, in order to keep some air pressure in the sails.

Rounding Laplace Buoy
Burvill-Puttman were the first to round Laplace Buoy, and to start a long route windward back to Erquy, closely followed by Dutreux-Lemonnier, Erussard-Moreau, and Chevrier-Cosse.

Tacking duel in the rocks
It was an amazing fight between the top four contenders, were all of them pushed the limit to be as close as possible from the shore in order to benefit of a weaker current stream. Mind your boards!

Towards the finish
Fortunately enough, none hit any rock, and Australian pair succeeded to keep the lead, and to pass Cap d’Erquy ahead of their opponents, sailing straight to the finish.

The winners: Brett Burvill & Max Puttman F18 Raid Worlds Champions!