From Finnish F18 website
The traditional winter training camp for Estonian and Finnish Formula 18 sailors will be held as a webinar this year due to Covid 19 restrictions.
“This time we will arrange a 2-day webinar in which we will have a clinic led by Trigonis Konstantinos (World champion in F18, Tornado, 470 among others)!
During the clinic Trigonis will focus on the basics of team building, communication and tactics not forgetting the strategic things in F18 race sailing. At his request there will be rooms for questions and discussions where sailors may ask questions on the desired topics.”
“In addition to to the Trigonis’s clinic we will hear two interesting keynotes from the top of the F18 sailing by the leading F18 sailmaker Marton Balazs (1D OneDesignSails) and Laurent Veerbeck from CataCare (Goodall Design). Marton is the co-founder of the 1D loft – leading sailmaker in the F18 class. He will share some insights of the winning F18 sail design as Laurent will showcase us the latest F18 model “Akurra” as well as the future of F18 design.”
More detailed agenda incl topics and timing to be informed closer to the event. As a prerequisite there will be trainings 0930-1530 (EET).
Until February 19, 2021 registrate for the event by sending an email to ilkkasaura@msn.com including the name of the participant and paying a registration fee of 70,00€ per person to the Finnish Formula 18 Association’s account (Finnish Formula 18 Associartion ry, FI211020 3000 1384 10, NDEAFIHH).
Looking forward to see many fellow F18 sailors from Estonia and Finland on the line together with the visiting speakers!