You may know websites are continuously attacked by automated bots and, for security reasons, we had to move to an upgraded and much safer WordPress version, in order to prevent site hacking.
Unfortunately, this new version was not supporting the theme we were used to use anymore, so we had to work on finding a theme suitable for our purposes.
So here is the new look of our official website, we tried to keep as similar as possible to the previous one, and we do hope you will enjoy it. Some pages still need minor adjustments, so please do not hesitate to let us know, would you find any scrolling or displaying problems.
We have beem rather silent for a while, but we are now able to keep on publishing posts on a more regular basis, and we invite all NCAs and event organisers to send us news and infos so that we can share those among F18 community.
Thanking you for your loyalty, and waiting for the pleasure to meeting you again somewhere sometime during some nice F18 event,
Kind regards,
Olivier Bovyn
International F18 Class Association President